there are times that the only sound you can hear is nothing- and it sounds good!
late arrival at bc lastnight but it was good, lubes, mordecai, hirsch and myself out for some tour of bc. i hit the deck pretty hard on the flat road on some ice and hirsch took note and duplicated my exit from the bike. mordecai danced with a rock and his chainring lost - his ride was over. lance said it best "no chain"
lubes and i traded off the lead but in the end his diesel overpowered the little engine that could
the descent was more fun than i have had at work in a long time!
we'll see what the weekend brings- line changes on codys team- looking forward to that!
Somehow this always feels like a welcome home sign. I have never lived in steamboat. We have been coming here for years though. I was engaged here. Skied here, watched my son play baseball tournaments here, tubed with my family in the river. Rode bikes here. Watched in horror as my daughter came down from fish creek falls after falling from a rock with her head bleeding, not able to do anything because i was down below with our dog. This trip was no different. (except no blood this time)
This is jim gile, one of codys coaches those skis have been to the top of Everest and skied down.
- i was happy that i could hang with him. weather he was taking it easy or not. He is the "e" of climbing mtns.
Todd also skinned up the mtn. with us. Hauling his "piano's" as jim called them! Fat Ass Skis is what they are, but i would love to test them out in the deep powder! There was an inversion on sunday when we met up at 6:45 for a second trip up the mtn- wow im skinning up two days in a row! that is more than all of last year. This year will be different. Jim was not shy why switchback up the mtn when you can go straight up! IF there was 10" of new it may have been a different story. But 2230' straight up felt damn good on the legs! Different muscles- a whole different quiet- just the shuffle of the skins gliding up, and up. Sat. we went over to howelsen hill to give cody a shot at boarding while the girls hit some shops and took photographs. There were some fast as shit skiers in the group with names from germany, austria, finland and a few from steamboat. these guys did not have fat skis. i am thinking i need some of these. been a long time since ive been on the skinny skis! Time for more gear dad. first time boarding and the only thing open on howelsen was a black run and the off camber poma that would lift you off the ground. After my morning jaunt up the mtn. my legs were a bit noodly and my turns took a shit. As the us olympic telemark team ripped it up. 11 yr old kid dropping his knee like nobody ive seen!
Less i mention the reason for going to Steamboat- The Ski Town Classic Hockey Tournament-
Our boys won! Cody had the assist on the game winning goal! I was super proud! When this team passes the puck good things happen and that is all im going to say on this subject!!
Trails to myself today! All myself- kind of an eery sort of alone-i forgot what solo rides can do for your mind. Not that i dont enjoy riding with folks. Just a different kind of joy.
dug in my pack for some summer sausage and found a flask that has been hiding in the bottom. just a sip of strannys to coat the throat and stomach with some of Colorados finest! fitted with a koozie to keep from getting scratched and jingling in my pack- thats why i forgot it was there! Not a huge accomplishment for some but descending 3 sis- i have a couple problem areas but not today! - cleaned that whole fucking thing! no dabs did i say the trails were quiet and free of snow - any snow except for up high and even mt evans is looking pretty - not snowy- head down closed my eyes and thanked God for this day and opened my eyes and the sky was bluer and the trees greener.
was having a rip roaring descent down east side, really "feeling " the trail today - maybe cause i forgot a shammy- just me and a thin layer of camo. not very forgiving. Nice bull i found his partner scared the shit out of me as he ran right in front of me!